Carpet cleaning redlands
Great place to relax in Wellington Point, Queensland.
Your Local Carpet Cleaner in the Redlands, Brisbane
I grew up in Wellington Point and always remembered it fondly.
The Redlands is an amazing place to live. My father started his dental practise 30 yrs ago in Manly Queensland and is now retired. Both my grandparents live in Cleveland and are both in their 90s! My grandfather is 92 and still walks into town every morning. He says the sunshine makes him feel young.
My favourite things about the Redlands are:
Sea breeze ( it makes a big difference in the summer’s heat and humidity)
Everyone is friendly and relaxed
Excellent food
Pizza - Manny’s Italian In Wellington Point
The best gluten free pizzas around. Being a celiac it can be tough finding a good gluten free pizza
Seafood - Costa’s Seafood Cafe In Capalaba
The fish batter is unreal. Our daughter especially loves the calamari.
Coffee - River City Coffee Roasters In Ormiston
I’m a complete coffee addict and love this place. Friendly service , high quality coffee beans and superb coffee.
Great Walking Tracks - My favourite is walking out to King Island in Wellington Point
The only thing I don’t like about the Redlands is all the spiders and snakes. I have lost count how many huntsman spiders we have found in our home.
Good luck trying to kill them with bug spray. I sprayed a huntsman the size of my hand and found it in my shoe the next morning.
Over the years I have had a couple of close shaves with snakes. They seem to enjoy sunbaking around the pool. Not so fun when you jump into the pool and get the fright of your life!
I guess we can’t have it all.
Great weather , excellent food and ….. friendly snakes?